A Society For Enterprise
Today, Government and the Revenue encourage enterprise.
Many in our society see their future in self-employment and having a business of their own.
The internet has opened world-wide opportunities. Consider the world’s largest organisations, Google, FaceBook and YouTube. These businesses all commenced by offering FREE services and grew at phenomenal speed. Were they following this observation?
“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want”.
Quote from Zig Ziglar.
Finding The Support
Despite about 500,000 new businesses commencing in the UK each year it is often difficult to find a trader when you need one.
The same applies to obtaining expertise for the admin side of your business. Experienced bookkeepers are in demand. The professionals in accountancy, website design etc. often cannot keep up with demand. This means for the smaller business that they may not be in a position to afford the fees for the guidance they may need.
AdminAdvice.com is a unique website providing FREE help. Supported by local business-to-business (B2B) operators who will gain from the extra business as the new ventures grow and prosper.
Our Expertise
Our expertise is gained from many years’ practical experience as an accountant within manufacturing businesses from sports clothing to office furniture. Also as accountant within a Toyota car sales and servicing franchise.
Further experience includes teaching a bookkeeping course to adult classes and completing the bookkeeping and tax returns for sole traders.
We continue to research admin areas and report on the ever-changing requirements.
This website, AdminAdvice.net has been created to show-case our services in a way many of you would wish to show your own businesses. Our articles are included at AdminAdvice.com and both websites have been created without any previous knowledge before finding the website tuition described in our articles.